
Grey clouds and bits of blue sky above white clouds covering the horizon in the distance above East Bay hills at dusk, downtown San Francisco buildings already lit, City Hall in green, buildings and streets lined with lights, trees below in darkness on the edge of barely visible beige gray trails and dirt area at Corona Heights park below.πŸ™πŸŒ³πŸƒπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Missed last Friday hills @Nov_Project_SF, so I ran my own early that evening. Buena Vista Park, Corona Heights Park (photo), Mount Olympus, and back down and around for 5km and 673' climbed. Ominous clouds the whole time, started drizzling as I got home.

#run #runner #fromWhereIRun #clouds #cloudySky #optOutside #hillsForDinner #cityLights #downtown #SF #SanFrancisco #2020_066 #20200306 #laterGram #noFilter

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